12 Wheel Flex Rake in sunset hooked up to John Deere tractor and round baler.

10 wheel Flex Rake ready from production to head to farmer.

10 Wheel Flex Rake raking hay in Alabama hooked up to a John Deere tractor and a Vermeer round baler.

12 Wheel Flex Rake that was setup and delivered to Mississippi. This hay rake is being transported by a John Deere tractor and pulling a John Deere round baler.

12 wheel Flex Rake hooked up to John Deere round baler and tractor ready to go to the next field.

New units in our Texas store and service shop.

Front of the rake showing the ramps for the big arms and the hydraulic lines and harness coming out of the front of the hay rake.

Rear view of an opened 12 wheel hay rake.

Front caster assembly that helps support the big arm on the hay rake.

Standard 55 inch hay rake wheel with 7mm tines.

The brake assembly on the hay rake

Open view of a 12 wheel Flex Rake hay rake

Showcasing the trough system used on the hay rake and the cover for the valve body.

Flex Rake is proudly made in Elba, Alabama.

Rear view of Flex Rake hay rake.